Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Most often than not, we come across questions like “where do you live?” “What do you do for living?”

When I sit back and think, there are these basic questions which haunt me…

Do I really live or am I a mere survivor?
What is my understanding of life? Live In Frustration for Ever?!?!?

Is life too simple to remain simple or is it simply complex? Is it too unfathomable?

Is the reality what we understand really real or is there some thing more real than the reality we perceive? Is the so called harsh reality really harsh or we perceive them to be harsh as it does not suit us or our wisdom?

If Life is too wonderful to be spent worrying, why are we constantly looking out for problems and wait for them to turn into happiness to enjoy them? Do I really need to go through blindness to understand the beauty of vision? Why aren’t we happy? If we think we are, are we?

Ignorance is bliss. Hence growing up is always a punishment as we tend to get into the illusion of knowledge.

Are we living in a matrix of illusion? Is life a continuous dream and when we die here we wake up some where else & get into another dream?

I bet life is a paradox.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


There’s a part in our brain called the hypothalamus, which is like a mini factory assembling certain chemicals that matches certain emotions that we experience. And those particular chemicals are called "peptides".

In the hypothalamus, we take small-chain proteins called peptides and we assemble them into certain neuropeptides or neurohormones that match the emotional states that we experience on a daily basis. So there are chemicals for anger, and there are chemicals for sadness, and there are chemicals for victimization. There are chemicals for lust. There’s a chemical that matches every emotional state that we experience.

And the moment that we experience that emotional state in our body or in our brain that hypothalamus will immediately assemble the peptide and then releases it through the pituitary into the bloodstream. The moment it makes it into the bloodstream it finds its way to different centers or different parts of the body. Now, every single cell in the body has these receptors on the outside. One cell can have thousands of receptors studding its surface, kind of opening up to the outside world. And when a peptide docks on a cell it literally, like a key going into a lock, sits on the receptor surface and attaches to it, and kind of moves the receptor. And kind of like a doorbell buzzing, sends a signal into the cell.

A receptor that has a peptide sitting in it changes the cell in many ways. It sets off a whole cascade of biochemical events, some of which wind up with changes in the actual nucleus of the cell. Each cell is definitely alive. Each cell has a consciousness, particularly if we define consciousness as the point of view of an observer. There is always the perspective of the cell. In fact, the cell is the smallest unit of consciousness in the body.
Now keep your receptors on for my peptides........